Evaluate the training of the professional Knowing the degree of training and the level of knowledge of the staff that attends the client in relation to a Country Email List product or category can be another of the tasks of the mysterious client. Thus, brands or retailers will be able to know if it is necessary to invest in better training their employees through Country Email List training programs or even through incentive programs . These programs are also susceptible to evaluation by the mystery shopper. Treatment and customer service The mystery shopping Country Email List professional can also evaluate the quality of the service that the workers offer to the clients.
This is very relevant in the context of Country Email List customer experience (XX), since it will have a great effect on how the establishment or brand is perceived by the public. Image audits How the brand image is presented at the point of sale, if the Country Email List materials are taken care of or even what image the employees project can be other focuses of the visit of a mystery shopper, who will value the cleanliness, order, the image of the staff etc Although this Country Email List figure of the mysterious customer could be implemented in practically all areas of sales,
in hospitality and tourism it is a very Country Email List common tool when analyzing the customer experience. In addition, the job as a mystery shopper for the hotel sector is one of the most desired and demanded by many professionals."A very common mistake is to set prices in isolation for each product." Choose which of these strategies best Country Email List suits your product. What are the prices? From the point of view of the consumer, the price must be understood as the value that the client delivers not only in money, but also in time, effort and Country Email List perceived risk. Why is it important to have a pricing strategy? Price is a fundamental short-term variable, unlike product and distribution.